You can make a difference. Everything you’ve seen so far with Team Canada Iaido has been the result of efforts by less than five people. Think about what we could do if everyone contributes their small part.



Your donation allows us to connect people, develop learning programs, and create partnerships that benefit the whole CKF Iaido community — not just Team Canada.



The Iaido community is diverse and multidisciplinary. If you have skills in photography, marketing, copywriting, fundraising, IT, and more — we could use your help!

Join a team delegation. Members of Team Canada have the weight of a nation on them. Help make theirs (and future team’s) responsibilities lighter by volunteering as a coach or manager.



A coach’s duties include keeping team members abreast of competition rules, ensuring they are mentally and physically prepared to be at their best, and reporting on team performance for further development of the TCIP.



A manager’s duties include organizing the registration and travel logistics of the team by developing, executing, and evaluating a competition action plan. They’re ultimately responsible for ensuring that members and coaches are on-time and on-budget.